
 ahia ahia     側に   abreast ,

            側に    side by side


3.aḫīt tanti * : [Humanities → Geography → Rivers] lakeside , riverside
4.aḫītu : 1) a side , a flank
5.aḫû (1) : strange , unfamilar , uncanonical , abnormal , queer , weird ; stranger , outsider ;
6.aḫu (2) : [Human → Body] 1) an arm , the side
7.aḫu (2) : forearm, arm ; side
8.aḫūla , aḫullâ , aḫullû , ebertān : [Humanities → Geography] 1) beyond ; 2) on the other side , on the other bank , across the river ;
9.aḫullâ : [Humanities → Geography → Rivers] on the other shore, on the other bank ; on the other side, beyond